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搖滾帝國音樂事業有限公司 Rock Empire Music Entertainment Ltd. 狂嘯唱片國際出版有限公司 Screaming Shout Records Int’l Co. 金屬極境影音唱片專門店 Metal Gate CD DVD Temple 地址:台北市松山區塔悠路81號 ADD:1F, No.81, Ta-You Rd., Song-Sun Dist., Taipei City, 105,TAIWAN 電話(TEL):886-37651861 轉13 傳真(FAX):886-37651860 營業時間:平日10:00-22:00 例假日 13:00-22:00
1997年10月1日由李熙俊先生帶領由三星電子台灣分公司設計中心、友尚科技股份有限公司、至上科技股份有限公司和聖桑股份有限公司之ASIC部門相關之行銷/工程人員,集資新台幣八千萬元成立『擎亞國際科技股份有限公司』,以發展系統單晶片解決方案 (System On a Chip Solution)之業務為營業宗旨,為韓國三星在國內IC設計服務之獨家合作夥伴。 面對全球消費市場來對個人行動通訊與多媒體影音整合功能產品的熱切需求,擎亞積極引進三星電子最先進之低耗電、高整合度之行動通訊多媒體核心元件,如應用處理器(Application Processor, AP)、高容量低電壓記憶體、小尺寸TFT面板、CMOS影像感測晶片(CIS)、GPS/BT/WLAN模組等解決方案,以供應ODM/DEM業務夥伴。 擎亞在系統設計服務品質上的持續努力,已獲得供應夥伴與協力廠商的一致肯定。2003年,擎亞取得微軟嵌入式視窗系統協力廠商(Windows Embedded Partner)的授權;2004年,成為三星電子認可之全球第一家行動通訊解決方案合作夥伴(Samsung Mobile Solution Partner)並期望能在最短時間內成為提供行動通訊多媒體系統解決方案的領導廠商。由於市場需求強勁,2005年的Mobile Solution的營運數字大幅成長,與IC Design Service營運比率已達40%:60%。 擎亞一貫地服務供應夥伴與協力廠商,提供最佳品質的相關產品,供其量產。基於科技市場變化迅速,擎亞亦有效率地調整其營運模式,獲得最大效益。擎亞於2005年成功地公開上市上櫃發行股票,以獲得更多的資金注入,強化其資本結構。擎亞持續地以專業整合能力,加上三星不可取代的優勢,圖以成為在行動通訊與多媒體影音整合功能的領導者。
NuTune specializes in RF Tuner Module design and manufacturing for all segments of Broadcast Transmission. We have been serving the RF Tuner industry for over 40 years, providing high quality RF modules for TV and Set-Top Box applications. Our Singapore headquarters houses our Technical Development Centre, Marketing and Operations Engineering. NuTune’s manufacturing facility is strategically located on Batam island, Indonesia just 45mins ferry ride away from Singapore. We have also sales offices in Taiwan, Europe and China supported by an extensive network of distributors and agents throughout the world.
We are a Singapore based software company specialising in packaged software development and integration for Wealth Management Structured Products businesses. Due to its ease of use and depth of functionality, our solution has become the de-facto choice for market leaders since 2003. We built the system with Dual Currency Deposits and then extended it to comprehensively include products such as Equity Linked Notes, Tranche Based Structured Products, Principal Protected Deposits, FX Equity Accumulators, Vanilla Barrier Options. Our software is equally detailed across all three phases of a transaction life cycle viz. pre-deal, at-deal and post-deal. Our solution is designed for retail and private bank relationship managers and operations users, and is distinctly different from the trader oriented systems in the market. We offer the right mix of distributed thin client functionality complemented by rich centralized modules. Our system is proven to perform well under heavy volumes, with our largest client using the system for more than 2,000 end-users (with 500 concurrent users) across 11 countries, supported by a central dealing hub and a common multi-entity-enabled database. We are known for our quick turnaround time, precision in delivery and flexibility towards our clients’ requirements. Our installations are typically completed on-time, however aggressive the schedules might be. e.g. we built 11 different interfaces for a large investment bank within 8 weeks. We are privately owned and have 7 offices globally. We have a flat organisation structure comprising of an experienced development team, complemented by domain knowledge specialists and quantitative analysts, who come from some of the top institutes. Our retention rates are among the best in the industry which has ensured continuity and stability to our clients.
The HRnetGroup has been a leader in the HR consulting industry. Today, our operations span 8 offices in Asia Pacific (Singapore - HQ, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Japan and Thailand) with 850 full-time industry-specific consultants of 14 nationalities. Our business as a Strategic Search companies, we support over 300 MNCs that have critically relied on our search methodology for talents to meet their critical business needs.
新眾的核心競爭力主要就是多媒體通訊。 F = M 2 C Future = Multi Media Communication 是我們的憧憬。數位時代,在PC進步的推動下,多媒體蓬勃發展。通訊則因網際網路和無線通訊的普及,而有了更多更好的應用。結合多媒體與通訊,技術上是高難度的挑戰;市場上則商機無限。 早于 ’90年代初期,新眾就投入了前瞻的影像電話Video Conference研發。97年以後將累積的關鍵技術,轉而開發網際網路上的數位安全監控及影像儲存系統VPON(Vivid Picture On Network)。這歷練,讓我們掌握了CODEC等關鍵技術;而OSD(On Screen Display),Network DVR on Chip及Plug Play等easy of use功能,則領先推出。我們還提出第三代安全監控系統的設計理念。產品曾多次獲得台灣精品獎與傑出安全器材獎,展望未來,我們將以過去累積彌足珍惜的經驗,開發更高檔、更牢靠的DVR/Camera Server,同時加強其〝智慧〞功能,例如Car counting, Smart Searching等。 也就在’90年代初期,當PC從過去一個(裸)喇叭邁進標準2個喇叭時,新眾就開始投入PC多媒體週邊板卡的領域。舉凡Sound Card、MPEG Card新眾都曾經是領導廠商。近年來隨著DVD和短距無線通訊的普及,新眾積極踏入5.1聲道和紅外線遙控,藍芽耳機等的相關產品。並隨潮流整合PC與家電的數位音響系統。又紮根地投入數位環繞、模擬音效、立體平面陣列喇叭等極先進的關鍵技術研發。 新眾的基本研發核心幹部經多年培養淬練,不儘對公司向心力強,技術實力與市場敏感度都非常優秀與成熟。我們和學術研究單位,關係甚佳,頗得奧援。由于在多媒體通訊的領域已深耕多年,銷售通路已建立完整而長期往來的網路。新眾是ISO-9001認證通過的公司,內控稽核,品管作業,生產流程都嚴格要求遵守規定。產品的品質、交期甚至價格都頗獲好評,因之,OEM/ODM客戶也已建立了堅實的基礎及口碑。 企業精神:自強不息 誠懇積極 永健經營
新譜光科技原屬新眾電腦股份有限公司之顯示系統部,主要業務為LED顯示系統,從工程規劃,軟體設計,安裝測試,施工維修,都能提供完善的整體服務。擁有多年專業工程所學習到的實務歷練,以及持續研發推出的先進產品,實績已遍及海內外,並深受客戶肯定。 在堅持創新與重視品質的經營理念下,我們開發了各類新架構與設計。機械結構上,我們設計了移動式快速安裝的模組,及超薄、耐用的元件,方便客戶能安裝在各種環境;顯示系統中,我們的看板能完整支援FULL-HD 1080p的高畫質內容,並以16位元灰階控制;交通應用上,我們除了能完全符合NTCIP通訊協定,研發團隊也能配合客戶的需求設計並實現。 本公司於西元1997年6月各系列產品獲得UL品質認證,同年再獲得ISO-9002品保認證,並於西元2002年升級為ISO-9001認證。在進一步提昇環保意識及資源回收的能力後,西元2000年獲得ISO-14001的環保認證,西元2006年更通過了歐盟的RoHS無鉛製程標準。 新譜光科技為專業的LED顯示系統公司,今後將會持續以品質、經驗、彈性、速度為標竿,致力成為LED顯示系統的領導廠商。 新譜光的經營理念:願 有心有能力同仁生涯規劃與公司成長平行。 公司英文簡介: FormoLight Technologies, INC. is the professional manufacturer specializing in LED Display Systems for both indoors and outdoors. We also provide proficient integral services in project management, customized software, installations, testing, and maintenance. As an experienced professional manufacturer, the works we made in the past did put FormoLight Technologies a very reliable supplier on the world class map. With more than twenty years RD efforts, we have accumulated many technical achievements such as: - Slim, durable and easy service module which differentiate the competitors. - Advanced High Definition LED Display which support the full HDTV. - NTCIP Compliance communication protocol used in our traffic display systems. As an ISO-9001 ISO-14001 and RoHS Certified company, FormoLight provides products that satisfy the most stringent standards for quality as well as environment. The quality, prompt delivery, and reasonable prices of FormoLight is verified by the good reviews that customers give. Consequently, our products established reliable reputation in international System Integrators such as GTECH, SIEMENS, BOSH etc. Our principal management philosophy: Wishing the dedicated employees’ career plan is in parallel with the company’s growth.
新象休閒時尚有限公司專營休閒品牌的實體通路 新象休閒時尚有限公司倡導 ”創新 first mover 唯才是用” 只要是有利於公司發展的事將全力的配合,創造出意想不到的成果。我們將邀請各路的優秀伙伴加入我們的經營隊,為公司的發展出謀劃策。 新象時尚有限公司高效率的服務態度,並致力提昇企業形象與競爭力,因此自成立以來受到廣大會員的支持與青睞,使本公司得以快速成長,新象以其效率.專業.熱忱並值得信賴的服務在基隆業界迅速的建立商譽﹗新象擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『誠信』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營.成長與發展,達成短期.中期.長期的目標。 Sinshan fashion Ltd., co established on April 11th, 2001 as a traditional sports clothing store near National Taiwan Ocean University as a result of above average service, reasonably priced goods and a large selection of products, had become a renowned and reputable clothes manufacturer and retailer.Taking advantage of favorable market conditions a second shop was established at the Keelung temple business center in January, 2002. The fresh and trendy style of apparel on offer appealed to a wide age spectrum sequentially many more branches could be opened in that same your enabling the company to boast with a current total of six branches in all. The most up-to date marketing computer system are utilized to run and improve the efficiently of the company’s business operations Harrykiki’s management strives continuously to achieve a comprehensive system of service quality control and all new requites are given optimum training.The company shares its business experience of 10 years with all it members, new and old, and it’s enlistment procedures are constantly refined to ensure satisfaction. We ‘initiate’ , always willing to take the first initiative at implementing new ideas to improve business and allow for unexpected original results. We invite individuals to join us and realize their full potential working as a team.As a result of our great efficiency and our emphasis on customer care we have built a considerable and trusting client-base which allows our company to grow rapidly and uniformly.
Fujimi Incorporated, since its founding in 1950, continues to chart a pioneering course as the manufacturer of synthetic precision abrasives in Japan. Drawing on its precision grading technologies, accumulated experience and extensive research and development capabilities, the Company has expanded from abrasives for optical lenses to a variety of products delivering the ultraprecision sought by leading-edge high-tech industries. Our lineup encompasses a complete spectrum from polishing abrasives for silicon wafers and other semiconductor substrates, to chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) products required for multilayered circuits on semiconductor chips, and abrasives for computer hard disks. We have also accelerated our foray into new fields, commercializing such products as wire-saw slicing abrasives for solar powered batteries, abrasives for quartz devices used in mobile telecommunications devices and, more recently, cermet (ceramic metal composites) thermal spray materials with dramatically improved impact resistance.
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